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Textile and Polyester

Textile and Polyester

The textile industry involves processes that need hot water, hot air, or thermal oil as heating mediums.

Polyester fibre and resin production require polymerisation reactions at high temperatures and pressures, as well as energy for heating and pressurising extrusion equipment and cooling and solidifying extruded strands. We specialise in these fuel-fired systems and have expertise in various gaseous, liquid, and solid fuels.

Specific System Supplied by M.E Energy

  • System conversion from Electric to Thermic Fluid
  • Thermic Fluid Heaters (Fired/Heat Recovery)
  • Pet Coolers
  • Fin Fan Coolers/Air Cooled Heat Exchanger
  • Thermic Fluid Radiators
  • Steam Accumulator
  • Gas Cooler/Inter-cooler/After-cooler
  • Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger
  • Deaerator Skids/Fuel Skids/Reactor Skids
  • Waste Heat Recovery Boiler on Incinerators

Client Partnerships