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Oil & Gas / Petrochemical

Oil & Gas / Petrochemical

The oil and gas industry has diverse energy needs, with its complex operations spanning upstream, midstream, and downstream. Facilities processing gas and oil rely heavily on energy for tasks like heating and distilling.

Refining oil and making petrochemicals from hydrocarbons are energy-demanding steps that involve cracking and reforming molecules. Petrochemical plants convert hydrocarbons into useful products like plastics through steam cracking.

Utilities for steam, water, and air are also critical, needing energy for heating, cooling, and pressurising. Heat recovery and fired energy systems optimise these processes.

Specific System Supplied by M.E Energy

  • Waste Heat Recovery Boiler for Tail Gas Sulphur Recovery Unit
  • Hot Water Heat Recovery system for LNG Regasification
  • Waste Heat Recovery System for Bitumen Blowing Unit
  • Waste Heat Recovery Boiler on Tail Gas Treatment Unit
  • Waste Heat Recovery Boiler on Incinerator
  • Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger

Client Partnerships