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Iron and Steel

Iron and Steel

In today’s world, the biggest advantage for any steel plant is saving energy costs since the steel-making process is extremely energy-intensive. The process generates lots of waste heat, especially from the steel melting shops, hot strip mills, coke oven lines, and sponge iron plants, which we specialise in recovering and reutilising. This waste heat can also be used to generate electricity.

Similarly, for finishing processes such as colour coating lines and colour galvanising lines, we can provide energy-saving solutions for the surface treatment of steel coils.

Specific System Supplied by M.E Energy

  • WHRB on Sinter Coolers
  • Process Integrated Heat Recovery Boilers for Coke Oven By-product line
  • WHRB on RTO/Incinerators for Color Coating/Galvanising Line
  • WHRB for Sponge Iron Plants
  • Water Cooled Stacks/Steam Generating Stacks for Steel Melting Shops
  • Skids and Posts for Reheating Furnaces
  • Hot Water Systems (Fired or Waste Heat Recovery) for CGL/CCL line
  • Fired Superheaters for Steel Melting Shops
  • Steam Accumulators for Steam Generating Stacks

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